Saturday, November 10, 2012

Yarn to Fabric

Sometimes while on antibiotics my taste buds will change; I'll lose my taste for coffee, something I usually adore in the morning, and will actually develop an aversion to it.  Same for certain foods. I don't worry about it, things always end up coming back into favor after a time, but this time antibiotics seem to have switched my knitting fever to that of quilting. 

Oh, I"m still working on a pair of socks, albeit much more slowly than usual. I've had a lot of energy for quilting and below is one of the products. Two more are in progress... Depending upon my mood I will work on one or the other. Feeling traditional? The Double Irish Chain. A little more funky? Definitely the Blooming Nine Patch in vibrant colors. It's nice to be able to switch back from one to the other depending upon my mood. After all, it's a a woman's prerogative to change her mind. 

Thanks to Joe for being the quilt hanger :-)